Thursday 9 February 2012

Drinking Age

In my opinion there should be no drinking age because in countries where you can drink at whatever age is not a big deal. For example my dad told me that in Italy there is no drinking age you can drink alcohol when your 3. He said to me he remembers being at the dinner table and drinking wine or anything. To these types of people its just like drinking juice at the table. To us in countries where alcohol is illegal until your 18 when your underage and drink its a rebellious thing. But when the drinking age is illegal teenagers go to parties and they drink until their totally wasted. If the drinking age stopped then the drinking rate would go down because it wouldn't be as much fun anymore. Therefore I think there should be no drinking age. 


  1. Good points - you might consider a different colour for the writing - it's a bit harsh!

  2. i totally agree with u lexii

  3. If there was no drinking age then death rates would go way up and alcohol would affect childrens development so its a good thing that you need to be 18 then your brain in fully developed
