Friday 15 June 2012

Amy Beamer

I thought Amys job sounded like fun because you get to hire and fire people. It gives you the chance to meet new people, and help people that need new jobs. I don't think it is the right one for me because I want to be something more fun and more entertaining and something that has more to do.

Man that walked the tight rope over the Falls

When I was watching Nik Wallenda walk over the tight rope on TV I was so scared that he was going to fall. Also he had a wife and kids that were watching the whole time. If that was me I would have never let my husband do that. I have a fear of heights and when the camera showed how high up the rope was and my stomach like dropped right away cause it scared me. But anyways I'm happy he made it safe, and now he will be in the Guiness Records.

Thursday 14 June 2012


The job of an Environmental Scientest didn't interest me at all. I like helping the environment but I could not work with that all day everyday for the rest of my life. It is not one of my passions it's just something that I would join a club for or something like that. I would be bored everyday going to work and I want to be happy and excited to be going to work.


So just a little while ago my mom called me and asked if I would rather go on vacation to somewhere nice for a month this summer, or go to an amusement park and have my sweet sixteen. I asked her if we could go to the amusement park and then have my sweet sixteen and she said yes ! I AM SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW! If anyone wants to come, text me or talk to me and I'll tell you the details.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Cons about late birthdays

Around this time all of my friends are having their sweet 16 birthdays and they are all getting their drivers licenses. They tell me how much fun it is to drive. My birthday is in December. Therefore I will be one of the last people out of my friends to turn 16. Most of my friends will have their G2s by the time I get my G1. Also everyone is always older then me in all my classes. My whole life it has been like that. It sucks.

Sidney McLean

When Sidney came in I was very excited to hear what her job was going to be like because I want to be a lawyer like her when i'm older. I asked her if it was anything like Criminal Minds, CSI, Law & Order SVU, and she said yes. Not all the same and not as bad as they make it look but the same idea. And that interests me so much. I am very good at figuring mysteries out and I work very well with others. You need those two traits in order to be a lawyer because you need to be able to work with your partners and you have to be able to figure crimes out.

Ann Liebau

I thought Ann was very nice and gave of some information on what a midwife does everyday for their job. I honestly didn't think that job is right for me. You always have to have your pager and you always have to be ready to get called into work. I don't like that idea. I want to go to work in the morning and come home at night and not have to worry to get called back in at like 3am. Also she said you need a strong stomach....I do not have anywhere near a strong stomach. Mine is very weak. As amazing as they described it to be to pull the baby out at birth it is just not the job for me. I also would not like the pressure of by accident hurting the baby considering how delicate they are as newborns. If something ever happened I would have guilt for the rest of my life.

Which party I would vote for

If I was able to vote in the election right now at this age, I would choose to vote for the liberal party. I would vote for the liberals because all the rules and upgrades they want are the ones I agree with the most. They said they want to give $1000 dollars per year for university funds. I totally agree. Elementary school, middle school, and highschool is all free for us so why can't university and college be free?

Scott Wahl

When Scott came into our class to talk about what it is like to be a vice president at RIM I was very interested. I thought his job sounded like lots of fun. I like the idea of being able to get a new blackberry every couple of weeks. And plus you can try out all the different types of blackberries for free. I think it is cool how he can see all the new products blackberries make before they come onto the market. I will definately keep in mind of being a vice president for RIM.