Tuesday 24 April 2012

Days our school should have

I think our school should have more fun days every week. We should have an assembly once a week. Every Friday we could have one, and it could be just for fun.
We should have a crazy day once a week. Like for example crazy hair day, purple day, tna day, trackpant day, funky day, 80's day, and more spirit days.

Article on the father that shot his daughters laptop

In my opinion I don't think the father should of shot his daughters laptop. For one that was a huge waste of money considering laptops are a lot of money. I think the father could of taken the laptop away and gave it to someone else or kept it for himself. Also the father could of found another way to punish his daughter.

V for Vendetta

In my opinion experimenting on prisoners for humanity is wrong. They prisoners may have done some bad things, therfore they are being punished in jail. But the guards should not be able to do experiments on them. Just because their in jail does not mean they can do whatever they want to them. Prisoners are just like every other human being but their just being punished for doing something illegal.

Why I LIKE the course

I really like the english/civics/careers course all together because you are getting 3 totally different subjects combined. Also what is really nice is that we don't have a year end exam which is really great. It's nice having two periods together because then we can finish movies, have lots of time on projects and get lots of time to do any school work. We don't get much homework which is really nice. The activities we do are very fun and enjoyable. I love having the class discussions and getting into "arguments". I don't like the fact of having to write so much essays but it helps improve our writing. If I was teaching the course I wouldn't change anything because everything is fine to me. I think other teachers should try to bring topics up and ask our opinons on it and make the class have discussions. I think other teaches should also try letting the students pick their due dates. Also instead of having exams in our other classes we could just have many projects.

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Are Kids Affected by Media?

In my opinion kids are affected by media because we see celebrities and models are being gorgeous and beautiful. But everything we want to be is fake. NO one can have a perfect body. The only way is if we starve ourselfs. When girls hear guys saying how pretty models are and how pretty celebrities are it makes girls want to look like them. In photos teenagers airbrush and photoshop the photo and by the end they don't look the same. It shouldn't matter what we wear but we do care? Media is changing teenagers to make them more self concious and to care about what they look like.

Are People Good or Evil?

I think everyone is good and evil because anyone can have their good sides and their bad sides. When you first meet someone their going to be nice and you will think their a good person but once you get to know them you can actually see what type of person they are. Everyone can be nice and good & everyone can be evil. Depending on the person, some people are more good and some people are more evil. Therefore I think everyone has their good and evil sides.

Being a Member of Parliament?

I think I would enjoy becoming a member of Parliament because I have always been interested in Government and I am very good with politics and civics. When I was younger I wanted to be President like every other child, and honestly one day I would love to become President. Government is really interesting to me because it's what rules the contries kind of. The Members of Parliament have lot's of power to them. And I love having a job and having a lot of power. That's why I think I would enjoy having the job as being a member in Parliament.

Hunger Games Movie

I saw the Hunger Games movie and I LOVED IT! I thought it was really close to the book, they didn't change much in the movie. It was so intense and made me very anxious although I already knew what was going to happen. All of the characters in the book were the same in the movie. All the way the characters died in the book died the exact same in the movie. The thing that bothered me about the movie was the fact that Katniss just found the Mockingjay pin in an old womens for sale box. In the book the president gave it to her. That was A HUGE PART OF THE book and it was changed. The third book in the Hunger Games series is called Mocking Jay....it is the symbol of the Hunger Games. I don't think they should have changed that. The characters were very good for their roles. They acted just like the characters in the book. I really enjoyed the movie and can't wait until Catching Fire!

"Am I Ugly" teens make youtube videos

In my opinion teens should not be doing this because teenagers shouldn't care what they look like. I know I shouldn't care what I look like because i'm not trying to impress anyone, i'm going to school to learn. But for some reason teenager are very self concious about themselves and always want to try and impress people they like. When teenagers go and post videos on youtube asking if their pretty or not.....I honestly think their just walking into a bullies trap. Everyone has their own opinion. Not everyone is going to think your pretty. That's just their opinion. And bullies expecially will be mean. That's what they do. They put other people down to make them feel good about themselves. Therfore I think it is stupid for the teenagers to be putting youtube videos of themselves asking if thier pretty because in the end their just going to get hurt.

Are Our Friends Our Worst Enemies?

I think our friends are our worst enemies because you know your friends better than anyone else. I know when me and my friends get into fights omg WW3 is going down. Girls are horrible in fights. Your friends know all your secrets, weaknesses, and everything about you. When girls get into fights they gossip, spread rumours and are mean. The longer you are friends with someone the more it hurts you in the end because soon they know your WHOLE life story. And when you become in a fight..next thing you know is their your worst enemy in your night mares considering they know EVERYTHING about you.

French in Highschool

In my opinion not all the students should have to learn french. English is our first language therefore we should HAVE to learn english. French is our countries second language. Therefore it should be an option to us to be able to take french as a course. If French was a must have then wouldn't we just go into immersion? That's all french...But in my opinion I DO NOT think ALL high school students should be required to take french, it should be the students and parents choice.

Words & Phrases I Like

1. I love the phrase "your not late until you get there" because until I get to my destination I'm not late.

2. I love the word YOLO because it sounds really cool to say. I just love saying it. And it stands for You Only Live Once. Which is true. Live your life to the fullest.

3. I love the word 'OLO' from the movie Megamind. Megamind answers the phone and he didn't know to say hello so he said olo. I think it's a funny word and its really fun to say.

4. "The people who hurt you the most are the ones who promised they never would." I really like this quote because it is true. The people who you fight with and argue with are friends, family boyfriends, girlfriends.It's not strangers hurting you. All these people are the ones who promise they won't hurt you but when it comes down to it, they are the ones hurting you.

5. "Any guy can love a thousand girls but it takes a true guy to love a girl a thousand ways". I absolutely love this quote because it is true. Any guy can love thousands of girls but then theres that one rare guy out there that will love ONE girl a thousand ways.

6. "What I do today is important, because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it." This quote is very deep to me. It means live that day to the fullest because your giving up a day of your life to do something.

7. Always keep an open mind because you never know what you will find. I made this quote up by myself. It means that if you keep your mind always wide open (with many opportunites, a wild imagination) you never know where it will take you. You can have many adventures. Many new opportunities.

8. I really like quote "Every person is a new door to a different world." This is from the movie "Six Degrees of Seperation". It means something deep to me. It tells me that every single person has a different world compare to yours. The more friends you meet the more different worlds you experience.

9. Abraham Lincoln once said "The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." To me this means that to everyone the better part of their lives is the friendships they have with people. Your friends are what make your life so good and keeps you happy.

10. One of my favourite quotes is from Marilyn Monroe.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." The reason I love this quote is because if a guy does not understand that im not perfect, that I make mistakes, im insecure, sometimes wild, and hard to deal, and cant handle me at my worst ^ why does he deserve to see me at my best? He doesn't. He has no right too. They guy who can handle me at my worst is the one who deserves to see me at my best.

Tuesday 3 April 2012

If I was a writer

I would never want to be a writer for my career. In order to be a writer you have to have lots of time, a great imagination and have no spelling mistakes. I like writing but to write a book? No. that just can't happen.
Writing is fun when its an essay or opinion piece, but if I had to sit down and type a whole book then I couldn't do it. If I did finally finish writing the book then I would probably not even read it, because I just wrote the whole thing.
Therefore, I do not want to be a writer.

KONY 2012

In my opinion the whole KONY 2012 organization is an excellent idea because he needs to be stopped. When I watched the video in class, it made me reliaze that these poor kids lifes are so terrible. Thier running for their lives literally. Everyday I hear kids all around the school complaining that their life sucks because of a boy, or because thier hair, makeup and clothes are not right. When there are kids out there younger then us running for their lives, with no food and water. And to top it off they dont even have a family. Now that is something to be complaining about. But they don't.