Tuesday 10 April 2012

Words & Phrases I Like

1. I love the phrase "your not late until you get there" because until I get to my destination I'm not late.

2. I love the word YOLO because it sounds really cool to say. I just love saying it. And it stands for You Only Live Once. Which is true. Live your life to the fullest.

3. I love the word 'OLO' from the movie Megamind. Megamind answers the phone and he didn't know to say hello so he said olo. I think it's a funny word and its really fun to say.

4. "The people who hurt you the most are the ones who promised they never would." I really like this quote because it is true. The people who you fight with and argue with are friends, family boyfriends, girlfriends.It's not strangers hurting you. All these people are the ones who promise they won't hurt you but when it comes down to it, they are the ones hurting you.

5. "Any guy can love a thousand girls but it takes a true guy to love a girl a thousand ways". I absolutely love this quote because it is true. Any guy can love thousands of girls but then theres that one rare guy out there that will love ONE girl a thousand ways.

6. "What I do today is important, because I'm exchanging a day of my life for it." This quote is very deep to me. It means live that day to the fullest because your giving up a day of your life to do something.

7. Always keep an open mind because you never know what you will find. I made this quote up by myself. It means that if you keep your mind always wide open (with many opportunites, a wild imagination) you never know where it will take you. You can have many adventures. Many new opportunities.

8. I really like quote "Every person is a new door to a different world." This is from the movie "Six Degrees of Seperation". It means something deep to me. It tells me that every single person has a different world compare to yours. The more friends you meet the more different worlds you experience.

9. Abraham Lincoln once said "The better part of one's life consists of his friendships." To me this means that to everyone the better part of their lives is the friendships they have with people. Your friends are what make your life so good and keeps you happy.

10. One of my favourite quotes is from Marilyn Monroe.
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." The reason I love this quote is because if a guy does not understand that im not perfect, that I make mistakes, im insecure, sometimes wild, and hard to deal, and cant handle me at my worst ^ why does he deserve to see me at my best? He doesn't. He has no right too. They guy who can handle me at my worst is the one who deserves to see me at my best.

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